McCann needed a premium video production partner for a distinctive new campaign for the Xbox brand, so they came to us.
The concept was to position the Xbox as a travel destination: games as tourism. We were tasked with creating the video content to support the campaign.
The experience, the world and the fantasy are at the core of how we sell all games, so the concept fitted very much with our own philosophy.
However, McCann’s campaign had more freedom than usual since this was for Xbox as a brand rather than game specific. This provided the opportunity to be more explicit and focused about the world fantasy and tourism aspects - we only showed destinations not gameplay. In fact, there is no gameplay in this work - only visuals inspired by travel films and ads.
As it happened this went live just before the Covid-19 Pandemic so it turned out to be quite timely.
McCann and Microsoft were very pleased with the video work and we all won multiple awards including a few Yellow D&AD Pencils, One Show Gold and Silver Pencils, and some Golden Cannes Lions.